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Custom Development Service

I offer a possibility to get features of your choice added to DemoRecorder by paying for that implementation.

This is intended for professional users who need specific features for getting their job done.

Here I describe how this usually is done:

How Custom Development usually is done

I usually implement additional features requested by customers based on a fixed-price offer.

I usually make the offer after the requirements and specification have been agreed upon.

I.e., I usually don't do hourly paid work, but offer fixed prices. So, before ordering, you know how much it will cost, and there won't be any surprises later.

The fixed price is determined based on two factors:

In any case I keep all the rights on the generated software while you get a license to use it together with licensed products from me. ( i.e. if you order some enhancement to DemoRecorder 24/7, you can use it with all licenses of DemoRecorder 24/7 in your organisation. ) If such features make sense as part of the product, I include them in the general product and therefore make it available for other customers as well.

I estimate the effort in a unit which I call "engineering unit" which takes into account different skill levels needed for different tasks, and includes possible investments in infrastructure and tools etc needed for a project. ( sometimes, 100 hours of labour can be optimized away by using an appropriate tool which costs significantly less than the saved labour. ) So allows optimal use of resources. Therefore it is more useful than a man-hour.

As a rule of thumb, one "engineering unit" in terms of labour is about 4 man-hours of a highly skilled engineer.

The current price of an engineering unit is US$ 797

Payment: Smaller amounts of engineering units are paid with advance payment. ( up to 5 or so. )

mid-sized projects ( up to approx 100 engineering units ) usually payed in three parts as follows:

Larger projects are probably payed in more parts, or split it in multiple mid-sized projects.

Hourly payment only as fallback if other schemes do not apply

If, for some work, only hourly payment makes sense, then my hourly rate will be US$199. ( Until now, there never was a necessity for hourly payment in a project connected to DemoRecorder. But an example may be attending a meeting or a telephone conference. Or helping you with some of your projects where you need my X11 expertise or other consulting things... )

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The saying goes:
        “a picture says
more than 1000 words.”

Well, and I'd like to add:
        “a video says
more than 100,000 words.”
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.

BTW, the website DemoRecorder.com is hosted on Neue Medien Münnich ( all-inkl.com ) in Europe.

The US download mirror ist hosted on Host Gator .