How to Publish a Screen Video on the Web
in Three Simple Steps

Step 1
Turn up your speakers
before watching the videos!
( the videos contains a sound track
with explanations. )
Click the image to show the video
1024x850 722x600 512x425
  • Start DemoRecorder,
  • Prepare the start of your scene,
  • Press Record,
  • Do the things that you want to record,
  • Press Break when you are finished.
  • Save the video.
Step 2

Click the image to show the video
800x600 512x384
( this generates all files necessary for web-publishing. )
You can do it with the following commandline:
demorec-to-flv-with-player  easy_web_example  easy_web_example.flv
This does the following things: export the video to FLV and generate the SWF-Player and HTML-code.
Step 3

Click the image to show the video
1024x850 722x600 512x425
Copy/Paste the HTML-code into your website and upload the files to your webserver.
How to preview before uploading:

You have to preview it through a local webserver.

Previewing by loading the html-file directly into the webbrowser with a file:-URL does not work because the Flash-Plugin can playback FLV videos only through http.

The Result
Voilà, your video:
(Please press the play-button in order to play the video. If you do not see the player buttons please scroll down.)
You Can Do That, Too!

This has been easy, hasn't it?
You can do that, too!

Now, request your free evaluation license and create your desktop video for your website.

( Your free evaluation license will work for about 30 days and is fully functional without any limitations. )

BTW, each DemoRecorder license comes with an extensive set of services and guarantees. Read more below.

Service 1: Free support for 2 full years

For two full full years after purchase of your license you will get competent free support directly from the author of DemoRecorder.

This works as follows:
Whenever you have a question related to DemoRecorder or whenever you need help with DemoRecorder please write an email with your questions to me personally at chris{at} and I will help you and answer your questions by email.
(please replace {at} with @ in the email adress)

(The maximum reaction time depends on the type of license you purchase. If you want fast reaction times please purchase a license of DemoRecorder-Pro. )

Service 2: Free bugfixing service

For two full full years after purchase of your license you will get all bugs fixed which you encounter and which we can reproduce.
And we will work together with you until we get all necessary info for reproducing the bug..

That means that if you supply us with all necessary info for reproducing a problem, you can be sure to get it fixed.

Service 3: Free updates

All new releases of DemoRecorder which are released within 2 years of your purchase are included in your license:

Just download the new version, install it (and reactivate the license if the install procedure has removed the license files, which may happen on some systems.)

Service 4: Instant License Move Service

We believe that it should be as easy as possible to move a license to another computer or to handle hostid-changes due to hardware upgrades.

Therefore, through our license move service these actions may be performed online and instantly as follows:
If you upgrade your hardware or move your license to another computer, just reactivate the license again with the new demorec-hostid. You will instantly get your new license file after confirming that you won't use the old license files anymore.

(The license move service works instantly for a certain, reasonable number of times within a certain timeframe. If these common-sense boundaries are exceeded we will manually review license moves in order to prevent abuse of that service.)

How much Does it Cost?
Individual Licenses ( a la carte )
  • Web-Edition: $137
    One node-locked license of DemoRecorder-Web, as used in the tutorial, costs only $137, and includes all three services (support, bugfixing, updates) for full two years.
  • Pro-Edition: $247
    The Pro-Edition provides faster response times with support and bugfixing. In addition to the nested desktop mode, it includes a full-screen recording mode.
  • Standard-Edition: $97
    The Standard-Edition is like the Web-Edition but it does not include the export filter for FLV as used in the tutorial. It still comes with export filters for AVI and MPEG1/2/4 which are also included in the other licenses.
(If you are interested in a more detailed comparison of features,
please click here for more info.)
How much Does it Cost?
Site licenses

If you want to purchase 20 licenses or more, you might want to purchase a site-license which gives you cost savings between 50% and 90%, depending on the size of your site.

If you are interested in more info about site-licences,
please click here to get the details.

What others say about DemoRecorder.
Example 1
"We at ReviewLinux.Com were looking for a Linux-based software package that could provide us with Screen Recording and converting those recordings into Flash Video.

DemoRecorder was the answer we were looking for.
It does everything we needed and
their support staff are top-notch and friendly.

Thanks DemoRecorder!
Keep up the excellent service"

- Michael Perks
What others say about DemoRecorder.
Example 2
"Demorec is amazing!
It's very powerful. It does not decrease the speed of my demo and the video is fluent and clear. I think it's the best one I have tried in linux."
- Shaoting Zhang
graduate student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Image Guided Surgery Laboratory
What others say about DemoRecorder.
Example 3
"DemoRecorder was the only Linux screen recorder that I could find that provided the formats that we needed for our purposes, and the customer service was outstanding."
- Bill Duncan
IBM Printing Systems
Guarantee 1: Service Guarantee

If, during the first 2 years after purchase, we fail on providing the free services as listed above you get your money back.

We can afford to offer this guarantee because we are sure to fulfill our promised services.

We do offer this guarantee because you deserve to get the services we promised or otherwise we don't deserve to get money from you.

So you can be sure to get your

  • Free support for two years after purchase.
  • Free bugfixing service for two years after purchase.
  • Free updates for all releases released within the first two years after purchase.
Guarantee 2: Unconditional 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If for any reason, you are not satisfied with DemoRecorder during the first 6 months after purchase you get your money back.

We offer this guarantee because we only want to have satisfied customers. If you are not satisfied with DemoRecorder, we do not want your money.

Where can I get it?
DemoRecorder Box
Training of users is expensive ...
        if you do it manually
again and again.

You can save a whole lot of money ...
... if you do it once and record it
so your users can watch it again and again
--> without you lifting a finger
--> and without spending any more money.
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.

BTW, the website is hosted on Neue Medien Münnich ( ) in Europe.

The US download mirror ist hosted on Host Gator .