Answer of FAQ

How do I export to common video formats such as AVI, MPEG2 or Flash Video?
Yes, it is possible to convert the recording in standard formats such as
  • AVI,
  • MPEG2,
  • MPEG4,
  • VOB,
  • FLV,
  • FLV+SWF+HTML for video-streaming over the web

exporting can be done with commandline utilities as follows:

From the commandline you can do the exporting to AVI or MPEG2 e.g. as follows:

/opt/DemoRecorder/bin/demorec-to-avi ~/demorec/yourRecording targetDir/yourRecording.avi

/opt/DemoRecorder/bin/demorec-to-mpeg2 ~/demorec/yourRecording targetDir/yourRecording.mp2

If you want to export it for Video-applications:

/opt/DemoRecorder/bin/demorec-to-mpeg2-ntsc-dvd ~/demorec/yourRecording targetDir/yourRecording.mp2
/opt/DemoRecorder/bin/demorec-to-mpeg2-pal-dvd ~/demorec/yourRecording targetDir/yourRecording.mp2

Exporting for your Website

There is also an export filter to flash-video (FLV-format) which uses the lossless screenvideo-codec of FLV.

FLV can either be imported into Flash-Projects or be streamed from a player contained in an SWF-file.

In fact, DemoRecorder can create the player and HTML-file for loading the player:
This combo of three files has to be played back through a web server because the streaming requires HTTP. (So it doesn't work when you load the HTML-file directly.)

This web-publishing combo can be created as follows:

demorec-to-flv-with-player ~/demorec/yourRecording targetDir/yourRecording.flv
This creates the following files:
  • targetDir/yourRecording.flv
  • targetDir/yourRecording.swf
  • targetDir/yourRecording.html

More export formats

There are also export filters for vob-files and mpeg4 which work similarily.

More options and how to get more info

All export-filters have several options for controlling the export. Just call an export-filter with --help to get a list of the options.

Since the output of the option --help is rather long you may want to view it with the use of the program "less" which helps you scroll through the help-text. This works by entering the following in the commandline for example:

demorec-to-avi --help | less
or you can view the --help - output online with your webbrowser here:

Hope this helps,

P.S. Without a license, the export filters add some watermarks in form of logos and text to the video. The purchased version or the 30 day welcome/evaluation-license do not do that of course...

If you haven't done so, you can get your 30 day free welcome/evaluation license here.

Purchasing can be done in the online shop at for instant delivery.

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Imagine ...
        You explain something and ...
... everybody understands you.

Your wish is granted...
... with DemoRecorder.
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.
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