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Charity by DemoRecorder / Christian Linhart Software

From Chris ( author of DemoRecorder ):

In the DemoRecorder-business, we basically do two types of charity:

Organisations which are financially supported by Christian Linhart Software


Since December 2009, we use a part of the revenue from DemoRecorder for our activities on kiva.org, i.e., for microcredit lending and for donations for kiva.org itself, for funding its operation.

If you want to help small businesses in developping countries through Kiva, too, you are invited to join the DemoRecorder lending team there.

Organisations who received complimentary licenses or discounts

Feb 5, 2010: The Stairlift Institute charity got a complimentary DemoRecorder-Pro license
"The members of The Stairlift Institute charity use a screen recorder to produce tutorials which help its clients.

The recordings cover basic things, for example, showing what stairlift are, how they are installed, how to operate them, etc.

The tutorial are saved in shareable video clip format so they can be played using a computer, a DVD player or other device.

The clips have been very helpful to people with physical disabilities and sensory impairment. Apart from being free, an advantage is that the screen recordings can be shared and viewed as many times as desired.

In addition to stairlift related clips we have produced a number of recordings showing viewers how start a project group which salvages unwanted computers and installs Debian Linux so the machines can be used to benefit the community. The series also covers use of some of the software which come packaged with Debian.

Being able to use a screen recorder program which runs in Linux is very helpful."

Philip Baker from The Stairlift Institute charity on how the complimentary DemoRecorder license helps The Stairlift Institute charity.

Tutorial | Features | Download | Get Free Trial | Buy | Support

DemoRecorder Box

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Training of users is expensive ...
        if you do it manually
again and again.

You can save a whole lot of money ...
... if you do it once and record it
so your users can watch it again and again
--> without you lifting a finger
--> and without spending any more money.
DemoRecorder in the Media

A comparison of screencasting apps for Linux (including DemoRecorder)
(first published in Linux Format Magazine, issue July 2009.)

Interview on the Linux Link Tech Show. Please select Episode 154.

DemoRecorder featured in Linux-User Magazine (in German)

Your video can contain sound narration recorded from microphone.
View and listen to the example.
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BTW, the website DemoRecorder.com is hosted on Neue Medien Münnich ( all-inkl.com ) in Europe.

The US download mirror ist hosted on Host Gator .